Title: Peter and the Shadow Thieves
Author: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Hannah's Rating: 5 stars
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: "In this riveting and adventure-packed follow-up to Peter and the Starcatchers, we discover Peter leaving the relative safety of Mollusk Island—along with his trusted companion Tinker Bell—for the cold, damp streets of London. On a difficult journey across the sea, he and Tink discover the dark and deadly, slithering part-man/part-creature Lord Ombra. It seems that the dreaded Ombra has a variety of mysterious powers including the ability to make shadows disappear. When Peter reaches London, he sets out to find the indomitable Molly. Together they must combat Ombra’s terrible forces to both protect the Starcatchers and the treasured starstuff and most importantly to rescue Molly’s mother from the clutches of evil."
Hannah's Review: I like this book because the shadow thieves are interesting but the leader is scary (but not too scary though!). My favorite part of the book was when Peter saved Molly because it was cool.
I would recommend this book to any kid who likes adventures and Peter Pan. It is recommended for 5th graders, but I was able to read it in 2nd Grade.
This is the second book in the series.
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